Alpha Pinene 0.06%
Beta Caryophyllene 0.47%
Beta Myrcene 0.16%
Beta Pinene 0.09%
Bisabolol 0.07%
Caryophyllene Oxide 0.01%
Eucalyptol 0%
Humulene 0.2%
Limonene 0.36%
Linalool 0.28%
Nerolidol 0%
CBG (Cannabigerol) 0.36%
“TAC” – Total Active Cannabinoids 33.34%
THC-D9 (Delta 9–tetrahydrocannabinol) 0.3%
THCA (Δ9-tetrahydrocannabinolic acid) 30.39%
About the brand :
Insa is not some la-di-da so-and-so thats going to carry you away to a land of make believe. Its cannabis for real life: the good days and the bout to get better.Insa offers premium cannabis in a variety of formats and functions to help wind you up calm you down ease your ailmentsand whatever you need in between.
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